three little bears cottage

 Three little bears cottage


There was a scary forest and fog was everywhere. There was a log cabin next to the cottage that looked like it had been built in the 1900s. There was a windy forest and we could hear some wolves howling in it. The cottage is made with wood and brick. There were 3 bedrooms and upstairs there were 2 bedrooms downstairs. The rooms had candles and new LED lights in them. The 3 bedrooms contain curtains that are made from sheets. There was a fountain behind the house.  


Suspense Writing

 Suspense Writing


It was midnight and the graveyard is a scary place when it is dark. An old janitor was digging graves. In the distance owls could be heard hooting in the dark. One day there was a kid name Josh and he wanted to skip school and run in the graveyard. He saw that someone was there. Then he said who are you? Show  yourself! If you come close.I will fight you……

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